Message for the Solemnity of Christ the King

The idea of kingship is one, which was better understood by the ancient and medieval world than it is today. Monarchies are less prevalent today, although of course Elizabeth II has served the British people as their queen for over fifty years. Her role as sovereign has decreased politically over the years but her regal presence and witness of dedication to duty and unfailing service of her people is a great source of joy and inspiration to many. Queen Elizabeth II is the first to confess that although she is a queen, Jesus is her King. In her Christmas speech to the nation last year she said, ‘Jesus is the Savior, the Prince of Peace, who is our source and light and life both in good times and bad.’

Our understanding of kingship or queenship is very much rooted in the idea of privilege and of ruling over subjects. Jesus, however, bore witness to an altogether different kind of kingship. He is the Servant King. He is the King of the kingdom of love, service and sacrifice. We are his subjects – we swear a loyalty to our King. What is wonderful about the kingdom is that rather than us just serving the King, the King also serves his people. Jesus turned our understanding of what it means to be great, what it means to be regal upside down. We are called to witness to the fruits, gifts and values not of the kingdom of this world but of the kingdom of Christ.

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