Message for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There is no mystery about the ways of this world. Selfish ambition, self-advancement and self-promotion are often hallmarks. James and John approached the Lord, seeking pride of place in the kingdom. The thought of power, prestige and position revealed their folly and misunderstanding of the gospel. They wanted affirmation and promotion. His rebuke is not harsh or sharp but compassionate and enquiring: ‘Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?‘. Their youthful zeal overtakes them and they declare that they can!

Jesus used this display of worldly ambition to teach about the new way in his kingdom. If we want to be great we have to choose to be small. If we want to be first we must choose to be last. If we want esteem and recognition we must serve and not be served. Jesus attacks the wisdom of this world that looks to dominate, manipulate and control. To be meek and to serve is a sign not of weakness but of true strength and character. To adopt the disposition of a slave is not to be trampled on but to rise above the selfish drives that compel us to serve ourselves and not others.

Jesus is clear and direct — to lord it over others and exercise authority in a harsh, overbearing way has no place in his kingdom. Humility, not pride, is the blessed way of the kingdom. Whatever our station or position in life we are called to live out this precept of the kingdom of heaven. Those in positions of authority or power have a vocation to show the world the power of love, service and humility: the greater our responsibility the more humbly we should behave.

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