Blessing of the cars in Little Falls

Members of the Holy Spirit Polish National Catholic Church, PNCC, in Little Falls had their cars blessed after Holy Mass on July 12. Fr. Rafal Dadello explained that this ritual is related to the tradition that St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.

Father Dadello blessing cars

Fr. Dadello recited the following prayer before he went outside the church to bless the cars along Gansevoort St.:

“Assist us mercifully, O Lord in these our supplications and prayers, and vouchsafe to bless these cars with Your right hand; bid your holy Angels stand by them, to save and protect from every danger all those who travel in them. As by Your deacon Philip You gave grace and faith to the Ethiopian as he sat in his chariot and read Your sacred law, show likewise to Your servants the way of salvation, that those who by the help of Your grace are ever striving to do good works, may through all the changes and chances of this mortal life be made worthy to obtain eternal joys. Through Christ our Lord. Amen”

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